Monday, March 30, 2009

Random Things I Like

-Hearing Reveille coming from Hill Air Force Base when I leave at just the right time in the morning.

-Sycamore trees

-Finding love notes left by my sweet husband

-TV night

-Having a full tank of gas


-Freshly vacuumed carpet

-Finishing a book

-Using a brand new tube of mascara

-Walking around in my fishing gear

-Getting comments on my blog (hint hint)

-Getting back my monthly status reports at work to see what my boss wrote on it

-Hearing Seth sing in the shower

-Watching Gracie's pupils get really big just before she pounces

-Licking the beaters

-Frozen grapes

-The way my ring sparkles after I have it cleaned

-Having all my shirts ironed and ready to wear (this doesn't happen very often)

-Delicious left-overs in the fridge that I forgot about

-The smell of almond extract

-Getting reviews on my Recipezaar recipes (or someone trying and liking something I suggested)

What random things do YOU like?


  1. *Husbands, for sure! Especially ones that do things sweet and/or adorable.
    *My (mountain) bike right after my sweet husband has recently "tuned" it.
    *Early Easter basket from my mom, with little-girl "lipsmackers" and sugar gum and Cadbury chocolate eggs.
    *Sitting in garden watching tulips bloom, sipping from pot of Hot, SWEET SWEET SWEET tea** with half-read novel in hand. On a chilly sunny day with blanky to keep me company.
    *The first bite of a new, spicy- baked-lentils recipe my husband's cooked for me, after the first sip of wine from the bottle his parents just bought for us. (Though sometimes a huge gulp of sparkling water is the sublimest start to the meal!)
    *Compliments! (Who doesn't love a sentence beginning, "The thing I really LOVE about you...")
    *A "stack" of unread letters or e-letters. Esp. from Collette. (I think this is universal.)

    (**NOTE: allusion to favorite Gertrude Stein poem. For the diabetic, or caffeine- sensitive, imagined tea can be herbal, w/ or w/o sugar substitute.)

  2. This deserves its own "entry":
    *Bloggers who graciously allow rambling, wordy comments, and, especially:

    *Bloggers who create SEVEN posts in TWELVE days!!

  3. -when my little girl smiles at me
    -reaching your destination after a long hike.
    - Finishing a spin class
    - Being able run to the top of a big hill without stopping.
    - When my husband gets home from work.
    - A hot shower
    - Trying new recipes that taste good.
    - completing a cross stich
    - When my rolls turn out
    - when my ironing is done
    - the smell of fresh homemade bread, clean laundry, and fireplaces going in the winter time.

  4. Wow keep the comments coming! These are so fun! Heidi you're so funny... I liked your NOTE! hee hee I may have to get that spicy lentil recipe you made mention of... oh and about the 7 posts in 12 days... I'm a bit stunned that I've done so many! A little embarassed actually... I've been really bored these last couple weeks, what can I say?

    Annie, quit exercising so much you're making us all look bad! j/k Maybe one day I'll know what it feels like to RUN to the top of a big hill without stopping. At this point I feel good to make it to the top of a big hill at all! Oh and I have to agree with you on 'when the rolls turn out'. Very satisfying!

  5. Dear Daughter Karen,
    I love your blog stuff. Its been a good way to get to know you. You are a beautiful person and I am glad
    Seth caught you.
    Love Dad Hanson

  6. Karen.
    I hope my comment got through
    Let me know.

  7. final installment:
    *Dad Hanson and his comments-- sweetest comments ever!
