Friday, July 31, 2009


I was almost shocked at myself the other day when I realized I'd never done a post about nicknames. More specifically the nicknames my sisters and I had as kids. Which isn't to say that those nicknames aren't in use today, because they are.

Dad was the nickname giver in our house. I think that's the case in a lot of families. Maybe it's because the moms are the ones that usually pick out the real names, so the dads feel like they need to put in their two cents. In any case, it seems ironic that a child is rarely called by his real name... the one that was agonized over and had great thought put into it... he's usually called some silly endearing name that gets picked up on a whim or circumstance. Unless he's in big trouble.

We all had nicknames growing up, but for some reason, Corinne's nickname didn't stick as well. Her name was 'Oobie-Doo' (pronounced like Scoobie Doo). Don't ask where any of these names came from. I'm not sure anyone really knows other than they jumped out of the mind of my dad somehow. I think Corinne stopped being called Oobie-Doo early on, maybe around the time she was 8 years old.

Annie and I are still called by our nicknames to this day, at least by my dad. And he's pretty much the only one who can get away with it. It's just creepy and/or weird if anyone else does it. Our nicknames have progressed a little through the years as is often the case. Annie started out as 'Budsly'. You may notice she uses this as her blogger moniker and as part of her email address. She was most often called 'Buds' for short. I've heard my dad call her Budsly P. Muldoonskie. It's the long version of her name. But that's nothing compared to my name...

Mrs. B.T. Boofus McDoodle III. That's it. That's my full nickname. I went by Boofus for a little while. My dad tells a story of a time he was in the grocery store with me and said "Hey Boofus, get over here!" and some lady looked at him with a horrified expression on her face. It could be worse. Look at all those celebrities and the dumb names they give their kids. At least Boofus is relatively easy to spell.

After Boofus, I was usually called 'Boof' or 'Boofy'. Today I mainly get Boof. 'Boofy' is a little too childish. Don't you think? 'Boof' is definitely more sophisticated and practically screams 'success' and 'power.' But only when my dad says it. So don't get any ideas.


  1. The funny thing is, I did't even realize he still did it. It wasn't until a college buddy or Eric pointed it out by asking me "what was your dad calling you?" I guess I don't give it a second thought anymore. I'd probably notice right off if he actually called me Annie; and would be shocked if he ever called me Ann.

  2. Lol yeah I've gotten that very same reaction from people too! Like you, I think it'd be more weird if Dad actually called me by my real name!

  3. Hee hee hee! Mine is not quite that imaginative. My first name (obviously) begins with P and my middle with J, so PJ. My Dad calls be peej to this day.

    To continue something that Heidi started, my verification word is recult. How odd is that? Is that when you get re-absorbed into a cult? Or when a cult becomes mainstream and then reverts to a cult again? Inquiring minds ...

  4. How awesome! I had no idea you'd been strapped with such a fabulous nickname. But I feel ya on the "only certain people can use this nickname" thing. It's always bugged me in the past when non-siblings have tried to call me Snoo.

  5. Snoo... I mean Rachel! Rachel! Please don't hurt me! :D

  6. K,
    Paul omitted some of his nicknames. In college, his roommate called him "Palsy" (you know, like the disease?)... then, just, "Z." And, his friend Tim used to call him... what was it? Something rapperish. "P Dog"?

    Rach's confession had the same effect on me--I SO want to violate the sibling-sacredness. But I won't. I think she could "take" me.

    Finally--your dad sure has one awesome sense of humor!

