Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Isosceles Cheese

So I was messing around on the Internets the other day and I went to and saw this post/cartoon...

Awesome. Except now I actually notice they do this and it bugs me when I watch them make my sandwich. It's a wonder I still go to Subways. What with Subway Jared, $5 footlong song, and now this... I don't know if I can handle much more.

p.s. Isosceles is hard to spell.


  1. That IS hard to spell. Definitely one for the right click in Microsoft Word, eh?

  2. I think you should print this out and bring it with you next time you go to Subway. Don't say anything; just hand it to the sandwich maker person.

  3. LOL - I love this post! If I was still teaching, I would show my math classes this! It's great!

    I have to apologize for my husband forgetting Utah! I thought of you when I saw he had left it off his list. If it makes you feel any better, I don't think he'll ever forget it again. :)
