Thursday, February 11, 2010

Hugh's Town

Ok, it's really Houston. I just had to change the title so you wouldn't immediately think "travel log" and click on someone else's blog. Although, there are pictures of other people in here besides ME, so that alone should suck you in.

So, this last weekend we flew to Houston to visit Seth's brother, Scott and his wife, Amanda and their beautiful new baby girl, Charlotte. This was the first time Seth and I had been on a big trip together so we were pretty excited. We got to stay Scott and Amanda and hang out with them the whole time so it was pretty cool.

I figure pictures speak louder than words (and are usually more exciting), so I'll let them do most of the talking...

Brudders at the Beach

The cute little family

I thought I'd put this one in my modeling portfolio.

What's a trip to the beach without a picture in front of a giant squid?

Scott & Amanda at Landry's on the boardwalk in Kemah

We watched the big tankers coming into port when we went to see..

The battleship Texas in La Porte!

Workin the big guns.

I told them there was a naked lady in there.

Another one for the portfolio. I'm so graceful!

Brudders on a battleship. They were really happy.

Seth trying to swab the deck. He got a little confused.

Scott with the really big guns.

And last, but not least... baby Charlotte with her favorite uncle.

Thanks guys! We had so much fun!


  1. Oh. My. Gosh.
    I had no idea ya'll went down to Texas! What the freaking heck?
    It looks like a fabulous time.
    Also, that coat is freaking hot.

  2. Also, I love seeing Scott wearing a baby.
    Also, your captions are pure bliss.

  3. I love the shots of the "Brudders" bonding. I love your HAIR, girl! I love your coat and purse, too. I love Scotty in that baby-slingy thing.

    AND I love the pic of you on the beach. (Your loyal readers like photos of food and fun but most of all, of you! I'm pretty sure of that.)

    But probably most of all I love that picture of Seth and the new baby. Aw.

  4. You know what, I cannot emphasize enough how much I like your HAIR! I think my artist husband would declare it the aesthetically perfect length and hue.

    Also, I think Rachel is freaking disappointed you didn't take her with you! (Mostly I say that to practice that word, "freaking." I have confessed my love for full-fledged swears before but the fake ones seem fun, too.)

  5. I love all the pics. Great job making your vacation documentary! I'd also agree with the other comments, you look great. Love the hair, outfit, etc.

    Lastly, your next big trip should be to AZ! We have all sorts of cool stuff like cactus, sand, swimming know things that everyone loves!

  6. Looks like you had a wonderful time! Great photos - you're so ridiculously adorable!
