Saturday, August 14, 2010


See! We do dress up... sometimes...

Not too shabby, eh?


  1. Ya'll are hot. Abe told me tonight that he wanted to know where you'd gotten that dress so that we could get one for me.

    Also, I'm impressed at your rapid-fire blogging skills. That's some quick work.

  2. Thanks! I love this dress... got it at Target a few years ago actually. Best part is I can just throw it in a suitcase because it doesn't get wrinkly :D

  3. Very hot!

    You are SUCH a skinny-mini, these days.

    I love your smiles. :)

  4. p.s. I haven't missed any of your recent posts, by the way.

    I just seem to have contracted a major case of commenter's block.

    Do you ever get the feeling that everything you could possibly say has either been said by someone else--and more eloquently than you would say it--or would just be plain dumb to officially post?

    It's that sorta thing.


  5. You two are a great-looking couple! And look how tiny you are! And of course your hair is ridiculously wonderful!

  6. I like that dress too! You guys look great. Where were you off to?
