Saturday, November 20, 2010

101 in 1001

My friend Holly over at Snapshots posted about a really cool sounding project called '101 in 1001'. You basically make 101 goals that you want to accomplish over 1001 days.  I thought this would be a great way to accomplish some goals and also something that would be fun to track and tell you about.

 First of all, here are my important dates:

Start: November 20, 2010
Finish: August 17, 2013

My 101 goals:

Find out my blood type
Buy a Spin Bike
Run 5 5ks
Get a pedicure
Go backpacking
Try dry shampoo
Workout 3x per week
Drink at least 40 oz. of water a day
Have my "vitals" checked once a year (cholesterol, blood pressure, etc.)
Floss everyday for a month
Go in for a complete physical
Be able to do the hard version of my kettlebell workout
Lose 5 pounds and keep it off
Whiten my teeth
Go to dermatologist for skin cancer/mole check
Get a bikini wax
Add at least 10 more accessories (necklace, earrings, scarf, etc.) to my wardrobe

Wear a necklace or earrings everyday for 1 month
Get my eyes checked
Call at least one family member at least once a week
Send Christmas cards
Send birthday cards to all family members
Visit Corinne in Arizona
Have dinner with Mom once a month
Learn how to read French
Learn how to use Photoshop
Learn how to use new Solidworks software
Knit or crochet a scarf
Catch a steelhead
Finish a painting
Take a picture a day for 30 days
Try painting with watercolors
Play the piano at least once a week
Fish Silver Creek in Idaho
Go on a guided fly fishing trip
Catch a big brown on a streamer
Fish the Salmon River
Keep a fishing journal
Ride a horse
Learn a new hard song on the piano
Play my clarinet at least once a month
Start a food blog
Subscribe to 5 new blogs
Do at least one post per week on my personal blog
Write about 5 memories
Write about how I chose my career and what I do
Do a video blog post
Eat 5 things I’ve never tried before
Host a dinner party
Find my signature dish
Go vegetarian for a week
Bake bread 1x per month
Try cooking tofu
Go to an Indian restaurant
Make crème brulee
Bring a treat for co-workers at least once a month
Try 5 new restaurants
Make a Julia Child recipe
Attend a concert
Read a book written by someone I disagree with
Watch 26 movies I've never seen starting with each letter of the Alphabet
Read 150 Books
Go to a football game
Stay up late and watch a meteor shower
Read a book series
Read a book in one day
Read a Western
Go on a date with Seth where we have to dress up
Go see a comedy show
Watch 10 movies that I should have seen already
Go to an event, festival, or convention
Go to the symphony
Go to a Jazz game
Go to the beach
Visit 2 states I've never been to
Visit Wine Country
Go to the big Farmers Market in Salt Lake and buy something
Start a "car fund"
Save at least $20k for a house
Save up enough for a 3-6 month emergency fund
Bring my lunch to work 3x per week
Plant an herb garden
Learn how to tile
Get a dining table
Buy a House
Update and hang family pictures
Frame and hang one of my photographs
Make my bed everyday for a week
Vacuum & Dust once a week
Clean the bathrooms once a week
Clean out my pantry
Organize my bathroom cabinet
Wax my car
Take my car in to get the recalled thing fixed
Give a handmade gift
Host a giveaway on one (or both) of my blogs
Make an lolcats with Gracie in it
Get a passport
Clean out my work e-mail inbox weekly
Replace the battery in my watch
Replace the battery in my car remote
Compliment a stranger


  1. I haven't read your goals yet, but I wanted to say that I'm SOOOO excited that you decided to join in on 101 in 1001! HOW EXCITING!! :)

  2. This is a WONDERFUL list!! You're a brave girl for putting a bikini wax on here - I've never had one nor do I think I ever could! I love the accessories goals that you made - I definitely need to start incorporating more jewelry into my wardrobe. I'm so excited to hear about the 150 books you read - I've added quite a few to my list that you've recommended and look forward to adding more. If you've never been to ND, that could be a state to visit. ;)

  3. Love the goals. Feel a little overwhelmed just reading them. Good luck!

  4. I really like your list. It makes me feel inspired to set some new goals of my own! We'll see...

  5. What an awesome idea, and list! You've got me daydreaming about Grand Goals for myself. If you do even a third of them, you'll have much to be proud of.

    Good on you!
