Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Week 17: Onion

Well here we are in week 17 and I'm still feeling pretty good. I have noticed all through the pregnancy that I've had short bursts of heartburn every now and then which I never get otherwise. And I know it sounds crazy, but most of the time the trigger is.... WATER. Not the super spicey Mexican food I get every Thursday for lunch or the bowl of icecream after dinner or a couple slices of garlicy pizza. WATER. I swear that stupid water is going to be the end of me. Can't live with it and can't live without it. Wish I could just drink Gatorade or diet coke all day.

I had another doctor appointment this week. Everything is going great and baby's heart rate is currently at 154 bpm. We finally got to make the appointment for the ultrasound where we'll find out if we're having a girl or a boy. March 19th is the big day! I can't wait!

So we were at a baby blessing this weekend and Seth's cousin mentioned how there are a lot of baby things people will try and guilt you into buying but aren't really necessary. Then today I was looking at all the different kinds of strollers and such and just getting overwhelmed at all the choices. So here's where you all get to help me. What were your favorite baby items? What did you end up not using? Are there absolute must-have items and/or things that were a total waste of money? Did certain styles of things like strollers and carriers work better for you than others? I don't know what I'm doing over here!


  1. Here's my two cents....
    I think a seat/swing of some kind is helpful but one is enough. If you do get a swing I like the travel swings because they don't take up as much room.

    The only clothing you need are onesies and sleepers until they're at least 6 months old. They spend so much time sleeping and all wrapped up that putting jeans on them just seems like torture.

    I really like my BOB stroller.

    Mylicon gas relief infant drops are a lifesaver in the first few months when their bodies are adjusting to food.

    That's all I can think of right now. Just start minimal and then if once the baby's here something would be helpful, go get it.

  2. Thanks for all the tips Melissa! Is your BOB stroller the only one you have or do you use this one just for going on walks and such?

  3. With the water thing, I had water-induced heartburn so badly through my first trimester that I got extremely dehydrated. I had to go on iv's to get my fluids up, then I was told to religiously take a prilosec OTC daily throughout the remainder of my pregnancy, which I have done and am still doing. THe few times I "tested" it to see if I didn't need it, I started spitting up water (mixed with acid) again, actually--any fluids. So as long as i have a prilosec on board every night, I notice a huge improvement. Ask your doc about it, it really has saved me!

  4. I use my BOB the most right now. Our BOB is a double and I can fit all three kids on it if I want to go quickly. It also pushes really nicely. The wheels are large enough that it moves easily over bumpy terrain. You could easily take a Bob on a dirt path. You can get an attachment so you can fit an infant car seat on it for when they're really young. The front wheel also locks so you can run with it. There's not much this stroller can't do. The one downside is that it doesn't fold down super small.

    We also have a Maclaren umbrella stroller, which is nice. If you want something compact to walk around the block it would be great.

    I would not recommend a travel system, the stroller that matches the car seat kind of thing. I personally never owned one because they seemed bulky and hard to push. If I'm going to get something bulky I want it to be more versatile.

    There you have lengthy opinion of strollers.

  5. Love your post! You might find these posts helpful...

  6. I was actually amazed how little stuff you really need when you bring your baby home. Diapers/wipes, car seat, some onesies and a sleeping sack -- and away you go. Anything else you need you can pick up as you go. We had a crib set up and we ended up using it primarily as a diaper changing table since baby insisted on sleeping in our bed pretty much from day 1. A gliding rocking chair is also great to have (assuming baby actually lets you sit down once in a while).

    We really liked using a stroller + car seat travel system (Graco SnugRide). Half the time when you drive anywhere the baby falls asleep, and it's great when you can just pull out the car seat, plunk it in the stroller, and away you go while the baby stays asleep. Or when you get home, just carry in the seat and let the baby finish napping there. Transfers from car seat to bed/crib don't always go smoothly and trust me -- napping time is precious.

  7. Cloth Diapers, they make the best burp/spit up rags. I used the infant bath tubs a lot, but you don't need it right away. Just sponge baths in the beginning especially until umb.cord falls off. I too liked my car seat/stroller combo. Makes it easy to keep them asleep in transfer from car to shopping. They are bulky though. If you have a baby shower wait until after it to buy stuff. I spent many hours in our glider rocking chair. I am glad I had it from day one.

  8. Cloth Diapers, they make the best burp/spit up rags. I used the infant bath tubs a lot, but you don't need it right away. Just sponge baths in the beginning especially until umb.cord falls off. I too liked my car seat/stroller combo. Makes it easy to keep them asleep in transfer from car to shopping. They are bulky though. If you have a baby shower wait until after it to buy stuff. I spent many hours in our glider rocking chair. I am glad I had it from day one.
