Monday, January 25, 2010

Delusions of Grandeur

On my way home from work today I saw a woman driving a Hyundai Santa Fe.
The license plate frame said the following:

'Silly Boys, Trucks Are for Girls.'

Um, am I missing something here?

Last time I checked, THIS...

Was NOT the same as THIS...

In fact, I dare say THIS...

Is just a glorified version of THIS...

So lady, I'm pretty sure you're not gonna have any "boys" fighting you for your "truck."
In fact I'd say your Hyundai Santa Fe is the OPPOSITE of a truck.
Just my opinion.


  1. well said, Cody and I are always confused by the newest expression of "my truck" and 4X4 vehicles driven by prissy girls who just need the cab space to hold their egos. Many 4X4 dream cars are wasted on "silly girls" who don't even know what the term means, better yet, let the poor vehicle venture into the wild world it was made for. There is my opinion to take yours a bit further. So I agree, long story, made longer.

  2. Whoa. Remind me to be very careful with my grammar around you. Just so we're clear, I drive a station wagon. A very MANLY station wagon!

  3. This is why people should not have bumper stickers (or the like) unless whatever they are just dying to tell everyone is absolutely beyond a doubt fantasic and clever beyond belief.

    I find myself thinking people that post things like this are just stupid and I haven't even met them. Pretty sure I don't want to though...

  4. LOL! How could anyone think a SantaFe qualifies as a truck? If we get to do that, I'm going to start calling my 1996 Neon a sports car! :)

  5. You guys are too funny. I swear I was oscillating between feelings of outrage and complete and utter disbelief of the idiocy of that lady the whole way home. I don't know why I cared so much, but somehow I was just so scandilized (as Rachel would say).

    By the way, Paul, you can call it a 'hatchback' if you want. It's what the cool kids call station wagons these days. Just DON'T call it a truck, OR ELSE!;)

    p.s. Holly, if you throw some killer flames on it, your Neon might be close to a sports car...

  6. Ok that was the funniest thing I've read all day... Hats off to you!

  7. Tonight over dinner Paul mentioned this post and I pointed out that, more often than not, he actually "drives" his mountain bike. (To WORK, even!) My sexy hero. (For the record: the bike is VERY manly.)

    I'm not sure about bumper stickers. So many seem designed to make other people angry. I like the ones that aren't about upsetting people.

    Recently, my fave has been:
    "The one who smiles first wins!"

    Whenever I see this I end up being the winner. Seriously. (But, if you tie with me, we can share the title of winner. I'm generous in my sublime wonderfulosity.)
