Tuesday, January 26, 2010

You Look Just Like...

So Allison did a Facebook status update today themed after a famous person she'd been told she looks like. I don't normally do the "copy and paste" status updates, but I though, Eh? Why not. So I thought you'd all be on the edge of your seats wondering who my famous look-alikes are. Ok, probably not, but you get to hear them anyway.

#1 Natalie Wood- A lady I met briefly while training for a job in Santa Clara, CA went crazy telling me how I could be "twins" with Natalie Wood. At the time I had no idea who she was. You probably know her from "Miracle on 34th Street" and as Maria in "West Side Story." Sadly, she drowned in 1981.

#2 Rose McGowan- Again a girl I worked with told me I looked like Rose McGowan. I don't really know anything about her except that she was on "Charmed" and she seems a little crazy.

Have you been told you look like someone famous?


  1. OMG! I saw the photos before I read the post, and, when I saw the Natalie Wood photo, I assumed that it was a photo of your mom or some other close relative, the resemblance is so strong! (I thought of it being an older relative because it's obviously an old-timey picture so it couldn't have been you.) Anyway, lucky you for being a Natalie Wood-look-alike!

    I can't think of a single famous person I've ever been compared to, looks-wise.

  2. You do look like Wood and McGowan! Can't say I've been told I look like anyone famous. Boo hoo. :(

  3. The only famous person anyone has ever said I looked like was Tori Spelling which sucks! Oh well, at least my charming personality makes up for it!

  4. Lol you do kind of look like Tori Spelling... but a cuter version. But don't worry, you're not nearly as annoying or bug-eyed or dumb.

  5. I've been told I look like Jennifer Connelly" (Labyrinth), "that girl on meet Joe Black", and Olive Oyl. Two of these people are still my friends.

  6. Collette you DO look just like Jennifer Connelly! I don't know that other chick's name but you look a bit like her too... but not so squinty when you talk :D
